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PS5 Controller Detection Software
A piece of software that detects whether a PS5 controller is plugged in. Programmed in Python and packaged as an executable with a small UI for the buttons, displays and a tray icon.

The problem:

When launching some games while having the controller plugged resulted in a heavy framerate drop (down to 5-6fps). This is most likely because the controller is overclocked using a third party software which puts the controller on the same channel as the mouse resulting in two inputs. The controller has a bit of stick drift therefore my assumption was that this was causing issues in performance.
an image of the controller detection UI

The solutuion:

Create a software that detects whether the controller is plugged in using the Vendor and product ID. Depending on the status this will turn the traffic light red or green as well as setting the icon tray the corresponding colour as well. This will remind the user (me) whether the controller is plugged in or not without having to reach round the back of the PC to check.
1      import usb.core
2      import usb.util
3      import usb.backend.libusb1
4      import tkinter as tk
5      from tkinter import *
6      import tkinter.messagebox as tkmb
7      import customtkinter
8      from PIL import ImageTk, Image
9      from pystray import MenuItem as item
10     import pystray
11     import sys
12     import os
15     from win32api import (GetModuleFileName, RegCloseKey, RegDeleteValue,
16                         RegOpenKeyEx, RegSetValueEx, RegEnumValue)
17     from win32con import (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, KEY_WRITE,
18                         KEY_QUERY_VALUE, REG_SZ)
18     from winerror import ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS
19     import pywintypes
22     #Setting the window settings
23     customtkinter.set_appearance_mode("dark")
24     customtkinter.set_default_color_theme("green")  # Themes: blue (default), dark-blue, green
25     window = customtkinter.CTk()
26     window.title("Controller Detection")
27     window.geometry("500x400")
28     #windowIcon = PhotoImage(file = "controllerIcon.png")
29     #window.iconphoto(False, windowIcon)
32     isConnected = None
34     #Function for checking for the controller
35     def checkForController():
37         #Locate the controller device
38         dev1 = usb.core.find(idVendor=1356,idProduct=3302)
40         #If device is not found, print to console and change the icon to the red_light, else do the opposite
41         if dev1 is None:
42             print("Device is Disconnected")
43             label.configure(text = "Device is Disconnected")
44             redLightImage = customtkinter.CTkImage(Image.open(resource_path("Red_Light.png")), size=(100,173))
45             imgLabel.configure(image=redLightImage)
46             imgLabel.image=redLightImage
47             isNotConnectedFunc()
50         else:
51             print("Device connected")
52             label.configure(text = "Device Connected")
53             greenLightImage = customtkinter.CTkImage(Image.open(resource_path("Green_Light.png")), size=(100,173))
54             imgLabel.configure(image=greenLightImage)
55             imgLabel.image=greenLightImage
56             isConnected == True
57             isConnected
58             isConnectedFunc()
60         window.after(1000, checkForController)
62     #Booleans that change the status to True or False depending whether the device is connected and then changes the tray icon accordingly
63     def isConnectedFunc():
64         if isConnected == True:
65             pass
66         else:
67             isConnected == True
68             changeIconGreen()
69             return
71     def isNotConnectedFunc():
72         if isConnected == False:
73             pass
74         else:
75             isConnected == False
76             changeIconRed()
77             return
79     def changeIconRed():
80         icon.icon = Image.open(resource_path("controllerIconRed.ico"))
82     def changeIconGreen():
83         icon.icon = Image.open(resource_path("controllerIconGreen.ico"))
86     #Define the resource path where all images are kept
87     def resource_path(relative_path):
88         try:
89             base_path = sys._MEIPASS
90         except Exception:
91             base_path = os.path.abspath(".")
93         return os.path.join(base_path, relative_path)
95     def quitApplication():
96         icon.stop()
97         window.quit()
100    #Locating and creating the image labels for the light system
101    redLightImage = customtkinter.CTkImage(Image.open(resource_path("Red_Light.png")), size=(100,173))
102    greenLightImage = customtkinter.CTkImage(Image.open(resource_path("Green_Light.png")), size=(173,173))
103    imgLabel = customtkinter.CTkLabel(master=window,image = redLightImage, text="",width=120,height=200)
104    imgLabel.pack(pady=5)
107    #Simple Label to hold text
108    label = customtkinter.CTkLabel(window, text="Click the Button to start the controller check")
109    label.pack(pady=20)
110    #Button to Start the function
111    btn1 = customtkinter.CTkButton(window, text="Start", command=checkForController)
112    btn1.pack(pady=20)
113    #Quit Button
114    quitBtn = customtkinter.CTkButton(window, text="Quit & Stop Application", command=quitApplication)
115    quitBtn.pack(pady=10)
118    ''' 
119    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
120    #Function for testing
121    def testFunction():
122        if isConnected == True:
123            print("isConnected == True")
124        elif isConnected == False:
125            print("isConnected == True")
126    '''
128    '''
129    #Test button
130    testBtn = customtkinter.CTkButton(window, text="Test Button", command=testFunction)
131    testBtn.pack(pady=20)
132    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
133    '''
135    #Functions for quiting, minimising, and showing the tray icon
136    def quitWindow(icon, item):
137        icon.stop()
138        window.quit()
140    def showWindow(icon, item):
141        window.after(0, window.deiconify)
143    def withdraw_window():  
144        window.withdraw()
147    #Initiation of the tray icon
148    image = Image.open(resource_path("controllerIconDesktop.ico"))
149    menu = (item('Quit', quitWindow), item('Open', showWindow))
150    icon = pystray.Icon("name", image, "title", menu)
151    icon.run_detached()
152    window.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', withdraw_window)
154    window.mainloop()