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Clearing Space Project
Clearing Space was a game concept that I developed in my spare time. I used Unity's engine and editor to create the game which uses C# as it's programming language.
In Clearing Space the player controls a ship that flys around the Earth breaking down and collecting debris. The debris can be refined or sold back to Earth with the use of a Space Elevator.

Camera Pointer

I needed a way to point a small arrow towards the space station to help guide the player back. The solution was to calculate multiple points that are joined together using the LineRenderer component. Because the radius at which the ship flys is constant, it was easy to make an accurate calculation, the result was smoothed out for further accuracy.
1    using System.Collections;
2    using System.Collections.Generic;
3    using UnityEngine;
5    public class PlayerToStationPointer : MonoBehaviour
6    {
8        //Inspector References
9        private GameObject _spaceStation;
10        private GameObject _spaceShip;
12        [SerializeField] private float radius = 250.0f;
13        [SerializeField] private Transform arrowPrefab;
15        private LineRenderer _lineRenderer;
16        [SerializeField] private int _linePositionCount = 50;
17        private Transform arrowInstance;
20        void Start()
21        {
22            //Set Shorter References
23            _spaceStation = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("SpaceStation");
24            _spaceShip = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Ship");
26            _lineRenderer = GetComponent();
27            _lineRenderer.positionCount = _linePositionCount;
29            // Creates an instance of the arrow prefab
30            arrowInstance = Instantiate(arrowPrefab, _spaceStation.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
31        }
33        void Update()
34        {
36            // for loop iterate over points in a QuadraticCurve, the number of points is definied in the editor or above.
37            for (int i = 0; i < _lineRenderer.positionCount; i++)
38            {
39                float t = (float)i / (float)(_lineRenderer.positionCount - 1);
40                Vector3 pos = GetQuadraticCurvePoint(_spaceShip.transform.position, Vector3.zero, _spaceStation.transform.position, t);
41                pos = pos.normalized * radius;
43                //creates a smooth curve from the player to the spacestation
44                _lineRenderer.SetPosition(i, pos);
45            }
47            // points the arrow towards the spacestation using the position and rotation of the lineRenderer
48            arrowInstance.position = _spaceShip.transform.position;
49            arrowInstance.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(_lineRenderer.GetPosition(1) - arrowInstance.position);
50        }
1        using System.Collections;
2        using System.Collections.Generic;
3        using UnityEngine;
4        using UnityEngine.UI;
6        public class DistanceToStation : MonoBehaviour
7        {
9            //Inspector References
10            private GlobalReferences _globalReferences;
11            private GlobalSettings _globalSettings;
13            private float _distance;
14            public float zSpeed = 1.0f;
16            [SerializeField] private Camera mainCamera;
17            [SerializeField] private Button _stationButton;
19            private void Start()
20            {
21                //Set Shorter References
22                _globalReferences = GlobalReferences.Singleton;
23                _globalSettings = GlobalSettings.Singleton;
24            }
26            private void Update()
27            {
29                // Getting the distance between the player position and the Spacestation Position
30                _distance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, _globalReferences.SpaceStation.transform.position);
32                //Check to see if the distance is smaller or equal to the TriggerDistance
33                if (_distance <= _globalSettings.StationTriggerDistance)
34                {
35                    //Change the camera's position to "Zoom out" when in range of the station
36                    float targetZ = Mathf.Lerp(mainCamera.transform.localPosition.z, -100, zSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
37                    mainCamera.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(mainCamera.transform.localPosition.x, mainCamera.transform.   localPosition.y, targetZ);
38                    //Allow the player to interact with the station
39                    _stationButton.interactable = true;
40                    //Transfer all cargo to the station
41                    TransferPlayerCargo(_globalReferences.PlayerCargo.GetCargoAmount);
42                }
43                else
44                {
45                    //Else do the opposite of above
46                    _stationButton.interactable = false;
47                    float targetZ = Mathf.Lerp(mainCamera.transform.localPosition.z, -45, zSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
48                    mainCamera.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(mainCamera.transform.localPosition.x, mainCamera.transform.localPosition.y, targetZ);
49                }
50            }

Distance To Station

Using a simple compairson function I could find out the distance between the space station and the player. Then with an if statement would check whether the distance was smaller than 100 units, if the result came back true I could then animate the camera to zoom in and out using a lerp function to smooth the transition.

Cargo Teleport

This script checks for cargo amounts in the ship and the space station, compares them to see if the current junk is less than the max and adds the junk to the station inventory. The AddCargo function is called in the script above when the player is close enough to the station.
1        using System.Collections;
2        using System.Collections.Generic;
3        using UnityEngine;
4        using TMPro;
6        public class Cargo : MonoBehaviour
7        {
8            //audio source
9            public AudioSource _audioSource;
11            private GlobalSettings _globalSettings;  //Global settings
12            private UIManager _uiManager;
13            private int _cargoAmount = 100;
15            private void Start()
16            {
17                //Set Shorter References
18                _globalSettings = GlobalSettings.Singleton;
19                _uiManager = UIManager.Singleton;
21                //Set Inital UI Text
22                _uiManager.PlayerCargoText = _cargoAmount;
23                _uiManager.PlayerMaxCargoText = _globalSettings.PlayerMaxCargo;
25                //Get audio Component
26                _audioSource = GetComponent();
27                if (_audioSource == null) { Debug.LogError("No Audio Source Detected [Cargo]"); }
28            }
30            public int GetCargoAmount
31            {
32                get { return _cargoAmount; }
33            }
35            //Add more than one junk
36            public bool AddCargo(int j)
37            {
38                //If zero or less, action has failed. adding 0 junk or negative junk will do nothing
39                if (j <= 0) { return false; }
41                //If current junk and added junk is less than the max
42                if (_cargoAmount + j <= _globalSettings.PlayerMaxCargo)
43                {
44                    //Add Junk
45                    _cargoAmount += j;
47                    //Set UI Cargo Value
48                    _uiManager.PlayerCargoText = _cargoAmount;
50                    //Great success!
51                    return true;                                        
52                }
53                return false;                                          
54            }
57            //Remove more than one junk | has issues! need confirmation that junk has been removed
58            public bool RemoveCargo(int j)
59            {
60                //If zero or less, action has failed. removing 0 junk or negative junk will do nothing
61                if (j <= 0) { return false; }
63                //Do we have the junk we are trying to remove
64                if (_cargoAmount >= j)                   
65                {
66                    //Remove all junk
67                    _cargoAmount -= j;
69                    //Set UI Cargo Value
70                    _uiManager.PlayerCargoText = _cargoAmount;
72                    //Great success!
73                    return true;
74                }
75                return false;                               
76            }
77        }